How Finding Your Why Makes You Productive, Confident, and Happy

Finding your why is important because when we start with a why, try to understand and be convinced of the reason first for doing anything, it becomes easier to stay motivated, overcome obstacles, and achieve our goals.

And by the end of this video, you will know exactly how to use this to

  • take control of your life,
  • become more efficiently productive, and
  • how this helps boost confidence.

So basically, why it’s a life skill that you shouldn’t skip.

A. Finding your why to take control of your life

Everything works more efficiently when you understand how it works. Getting clarity about what works for us and what doesn’t, what we want to include in our life and what we can do without is crucial because it helps limit those uncomfortable moments that we find ourselves in because we simply couldn’t say no. Why? Because well, “it’s complicated”. 

But when you are clear about and convinced of the reason, when you find your why before making any choice, decision, commitment,….it helps you take control of your life more effectively letting only those things take up space that are aligned with what truly matters to you, aligned with your values, and how you want to feel.

“Is it something that I would choose to do without any kind of influence from anyone?”

If you ask yourself this each time you make a decision, commitment, choice…it empowers you to keep your life uncluttered, enjoyable, and meaningful.

B. Start with why to optimize productivity

To be efficiently productive, it’s important to stay consistent, show up every time. And for that we need to stay motivated.

Now, motivation isn’t something easy to come by on a daily basis, especially when we have to do something simply because there’s no one else to do it….when the reason for doing the task doesn’t speak to us.

So when you have to do something because you can’t avoid it, start with breaking down the reason, simplifying it till it means something to you.

  • Why are you in this in the first place?
  • How would the result make even a small difference in your life?
  • How would it feel to have accomplished it, have it done?

Those questions will help you find your real why – the reason that will relocate your source of motivation to within you, help you show up every time and stay consistently productive.

C. Why you need to find your why to boost confidence

According to psychologists, 2 things influence our confidence.

  1. External – what people think of the qualities we have and how much they appreciate us for those. Basically, external validation.
  2. Internal – what we think of our own qualities, our value of self-worth.

Now, we don’t have much control over how people think or what they do, but we do have control over how we think and what we focus on. And when we decide to focus more on this internal influencer and make the external one less powerful, it boosts confidence.

Finding your why, why you do some things better than others, why you react or respond the way you do to certain things is important because it gives you a better understanding of your unique blend of qualities and areas where you can change and grow.

And when you know you have the capacity to become better, do things better if you want to it makes you more confident in yourself, in what you can do.


Success, happiness, joy, fulfillment – they all depend on our intention, how we want to approach the opportunities, knowledge, and everything else in our life. 

Finding your why before making any choice or decision is an act of self-love. And self-love is just one of the viewfinders that help us focus our time, energy, and emotional resources in the right direction.

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