How to Tell if It Will Work For You + How to Stop Procrastinating if It Won’t

Procrastination can work for you or against you depending on 3 things. Let’s see when they work and also practical tips for how to stop procrastinating when they make you feel stuck, stressed, or missing out on life. We will focus on how to avoid procrastination, how to overcome procrastination, and also how to stop procrastinating and get work done. #procrastination #howtostopprocrastinating #productivitytips #lifeskill

3 Science-Backed Tips On How To Stay Calm In Any Situation

3 simple science-backed strategies to stay calm in ANY situation and manage stress better. Whether overthinking, worrying, or negative thinking are making you feel stressed, these action steps will show you how to stay calm and manage any situation better. Staying calm under pressure is a life skill that helps us make the most of any situation #staycalm #copingstrategies #negativethinking #worrying

How To Make Better Decisions Without Overthinking

What seems like the best choice can be the wrong one to choose. Based in the understanding of how our brain works and cognitive behavior, here’s a simple strategy to make better decisions faster without overthinking things. To develop better decision making skills and make better choices in life it’s important to be clear about our priorities in life. How to make the best decision for yourself is a life skill everyone needs to learn #decisionmaking #makebetterdecisions #lifeskill #selfgrowthtips

4 Things Holding You Back | How To Overcome Self Doubt

It’s easier to overcome self-doubt when you know which of the 4 root-causes is behind it. Fear of failure and uncertainties in life can hurt our confidence. And they can cause low self esteem and limiting beliefs to hold you back from going after what you really want, from happiness and life satisfaction. This video will show you what to look out for and how to beat self doubt every time.#selfdoubt #stopoverthinking #overcomeselfdoubt #confidencetips

Don’t Let The Fear Of Failure Hold You Back | 3 Tips To Help

Does the thought of failing make you doubt your choices sometimes? The fear of failure can show up in many ways – procrastination, perfectionism, anxiety, self doubt, compromise, and more. But, why would you want to settle for second-best when you can have best in your life? This article on NandyzSoulshine shows you how to logically overcome a fear of failure and lead a more satisfying life #fearoffailure #confidencetips #selfdoubt #overcomefearoffailure

How To Stop Overthinking Using 3 Simple Psychotherapy Techniques

If you can’t stop overthinking something, use these 3 techniques to slow down an overactive mind and stop worrying unproductively…because sometimes, worry about the problem is a lot worse than the problem itself. Overthinking kills your happiness because it leads to worrying, rumination, catastrophizing, and stress. These 3 CBT techniques are simple yet highly effective to stop overthinking and start living #stopoverthinking #overthinking #worry #negativethoughts

How To Build Confidence And Self Esteem: 3 Science-Based Techniques

3 simple science-based techniques to help build confidence and self esteem quickly as well as permanently in any situation – build confidence, improve motivation, and override our default mode to build self esteem with every new situation that comes your way. The 3rd technique shows how to build confidence and self esteem in adults because… how to build confidence and self esteem through acquired skills…. an important life skill #buildconfidence #selfconfidence #selfesteem #boostselfesteem

How To Succeed Beyond Your Self Limiting Beliefs | Before Making Your Next Decision

The key to making a no-regrets decision is to avoid these 3 common traps. Whether we realize it or not, our beliefs guide our choices and these decision making traps are based in your self limiting beliefs. And they can hold you back from making satisfying and meaningful decisions in life… and so achieve your goals. These techniques at Nandyz Soulshine will help you succeed beyond them #limitingbeliefs #selflimitingbeliefs #decisionmaking

How To Stop Overthinking Everything: A 3-Step Action Plan

Whether overthinking things that happened in the past or second-guessing the decisions you make, overthinking not only negatively affects our mental wellbeing, but also hurts our confidence and relationships. This 3-step roadmap from will show you exactly how to stop overthinking everything, stop worrying unproductively #stopoverthinking #ruminating #stopworrying

Am I Making The Right Decision? | Making decisions without fear

If you are struggling to make the right choice, you’ll find this really helpful. Making decisions in life is not always easy and when we need to, we start struggling to make a big decision, struggling to make the right choice. These are 3 very effective tools for releasing fears around decision… it’s an invaluable life skill #makingdecisions #makingdecisionswithoutfear