How To Make Achieving Goals In Life Simpler – The 3P Technique

We set goals to have a sense of purpose and stay focused. Now, there are 2 key elements to achieving goals in life –

  • The qualities of the goal itself, and
  • The other is connected to the goal setter, you.

The first one is the technical part of goal setting like setting SMART goals, SMART as in specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-based. In other words, the moving parts of goal.

And the second key that makes goals achievable is what you do to make these moving parts work smoothly.

This includes what I call the 3 Ps of achieving goals. Let me show you how this works.

Achieving goals in life using the 3P technique

The first P is ‘Phrase’, The second P is ‘Plan with a twist’, and the third P makes all the moving parts of achieving goals, stick together smoothly.

1. Phrase

Choose a phrase that would guide all your actions and decisions for that particular goal.

For example, if you choose “focus and commit” as your phrase before making any decision or taking any action, you would check whether those are still focused on the goal.

If they are, you commit to see them through even if it demands you stepping out of your comfort zone. It’s tough love, but puts you on the shortest route to achieving your goals.

The first P ‘phrase’ is kind of a compass that keeps correcting your course to keep you on the right track.

2. Plan (flexi-plan)

Create an action plan with some review and wriggle space to realign with our goal from time-to-time.

The “flexi” part makes sure that we make the most efficient use of our time and energy because –

  • we may sometimes find it better to change the pace based on how well or how not well we have been able to stick to the plan.
  • Sometimes we lose the motivation to follow through and the goal slowly slides down our priority list.
  • Also, whether we consciously realize it or not, our priorities, likes, and dislikes change over time before reaching the finish line.

So, chalking in review and realign time makes sure we don’t waste our time and energy on goals that have lost their conviction or priority for us.

3. Practice is important for achieving goals in life

Practice but with an aim to turn actions into habits, and so essentially effortless.

When there are things we have to do repeatedly to reach a certain goal, they usually turn boring after a while. And as we keep losing interest, it becomes harder to stick to those tasks.

So, find that one action which has the potential to unravel the whole effort and focus on turning that one action into a habit. Because habit in simple language is effortless action.

Have faith in your abilities and trust the process because everyone reaches their goals at different speed. Whatever your journey looks like, it shows the best that could be done with the tools you were given – your unique blend of qualities and circumstances.

So keep your focus on the process. That’s what takes you closer to success.

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