How to Use Hydration for Health – Water (Part 2)

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8 Realistic tips to improve your body's hydration & why it's important,

Staying well-hydrated is the key to fending off loads of ailments. Staying in shipshape is just an added benefit for enjoying life to the hilt. We have already seen how water can work hard to keep you looking pristinely gorgeous. If you missed that, here’s where you can check it out. Now let’s explore how hydration can make you feel good and keep you out of the doctor’s office. How much hydration you actually need every day depends on your age, health, sex, tendency to sweat and your routine. So, it is a good idea to consult a nutritionist or general physician before increasing your fluid intake. I know it sounds weird, visiting a doctor to stay out of a doctor’s office, but it’s really spending a bit now to save a lot in the future. Let’s check out some of the benefits of staying properly hydrated.

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Medical Benefits of Hydration

  • Before bed:

    Drink a glass of water, say half an hour before going to bed. The half hour is to give you time and avoid midnight trips to the bathroom. Proper hydration helps your heart work smoothly and put less stress on heart muscles – one of the best ways of limiting stroke and heart attack potential. Our body has a very intelligent mechanism. In case of mal-hydration, the body produces more cholesterol to save water loss from the cells. Though the bad effects of dehydration on our internal organs is minimized, the cholesterol creates other health hazards. Water, though frequently overlooked, is a very handy and effective tool for heart health., hydration

  • Before meals:

    Having half a glass of warm water 30 minutes before your day’s major meals will activate your digestive system. It gets food digested easily and properly. Replace the cold fizzy drink with a glass of warm water with your meals. It will not only help in better digestion, but break the fat up in your food to make it easier on your digestive system. If you are trying to lose weight, bulking up on water before meals is also a good way to limit your appetite. But be sure not to overdo it, as your body still needs food to function. Remember, too much of anything is never a good idea.

  • Energy:

    Ever felt extremely tired even though you didn’t do much during the day? Well, it may very well be because of lack of proper fluid intake. The earliest signs of dehydration are tiredness and fatigue. Also, whenever you feel like you can’t concentrate on whatever you are doing, trying drinking a glass of water. You might very well be surprised with the result. Taking water along with you on your jogs and gym sessions is a good idea. It will keep you hydrated and boost your energy level., hydration

  • Cleansing and kidney health:

    If you do not have proper hydration, it becomes very hard for your kidneys and bladder to flush out all the acid waste and toxins efficiently. This will lead to chemical imbalance in your body. Also, it opens up the door to frequent infections and stone formation. The simple idea is to wash out harmful toxins from our body. After all, like any other cleaning company our body too needs a good supply of water to flush out dirt and muck. 🙂

  • Allergy and asthma:

    Being all stuffy in the face and head doesn’t make one feel any good during cold or allergy flare-ups. It is a good idea to drink warm water more when you are feeling all bogged down. It will not only replenish the fluid loss but also make your symptoms less severe. This is because when dehydrated, the body tends to constrict it’s airways to reserve water. Allergy and asthma attacks too tend to become a bit less uncomfortable and severe with proper hydration., hydration

  • Joint pain and stiffness:

    Well, this is not a very well-known goodness of water but works all the same. The cartilage padding supporting the joints is mainly made up of water. So, you can see why dehydration causes the pain and stiffness to go worse. Though staying well-dehydrated is not going to prevent them or cure them, it surely does take away some of the discomfort.

  • Headache cure:

    Dehydration has a way of sparking off headaches. So, the next time you find your day getting ruined with a  headache, just grab a glass of water. May be, that’s all you need and not frequent painkillers! Hydration ensures proper flow of blood and oxygen to the brain, keeping frequent headaches at bay.

    “Say goodbye to frequent headaches by staying hydrated because it’ll ease the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain.”

    (click to Tweet)

  • Banish skin problems:

    We have already indulged ourselves in this one at quite a length. However, let’s just recount these quickly. Water is your skin’s best friend whether you drink it on it’s own or mix up quick, easy and delicious concoctions. You can use it as mist spray or go for a Roman bathhouse technique. It helps even if you enjoy a relaxing foot dip after a tiring day. Dehydration causes all sorts of skin problems. With proper hydration, you can avoid frequent skin breakouts, psoriasis, dandruff and yes, you got it right – premature ageing. Have you ever seen a dehydrated fruit? That’s what happens to our skin too! Scary, isn’t it? Proper hydration and detoxing are the two famously ill-kept secrets for a youthful dewy glow.

    “Proper hydration and detoxing are the two famously ill-kept secrets for a youthful dewy glow.”

    (click to Tweet), hydration

8 Smart Tips to Stay Hydrated Without Turning it into a Chore

  • Carry a bottle whenever you go out and sip on it once in a while. It will make you feel refreshed and energized throughout the day. Do it for a few days and then try going out without a bottle of water for a day. You will be able to see the difference for yourself!
  • Keep a bottle full of sparkling water handy on your desk. At the stroke of every hour, take a break and drink some water. Do not sip but take a big gulp or two.
  • Keep water handy on your night stand. This not only will save you midnight trips to the kitchen, but also keep your weight in check by doing away with midnight snacks. Download tips to increase water intake as handy printable
  • Try cutting back on coffee and soft drinks. Instead, replace them with green tea to feel more energized. Though not initially much, gradually you would be able to see the difference for yourself.
  • Drink warm water with your meals. It helps break down the food faster ensuring better digestion. Cold drinks with your meals harden the oil in your food making it tougher to digest.
  • Get a home seltzer maker to add some action to this (let’s face it) remarkably bland drink. You can try replacing your fizzy drinks with some fruit or herb-infused seltzer of your own.
  • Remember that for every pound of sweat, you need one pint of water to replenish it and stay hydrated. Carry your water accordingly to the gym or on your jogging rounds.
  • Keep a log. See how much water you actually consume on a regular basis without any effort. Then, you can gradually increase it bit by bit consciously.


So, whether you are a water baby or hydrophobic, water can be your best and easiest bet to stay healthy and beautiful. You only need to know how to go about it the right way. As is always the case, the best solution is the simplest one.

I have been trying out quite a few of these tips for a while and love them because they’re so simple and effective. Especially the staying hydrated ones and some of the beauty hacks. What do you feel about them and the rest?

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