True Art – What Do you Mean?

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What does art really mean? It conjures up different images for different people. To me, it is the expression of self that begins where the oratory skills hit a roadblock. To others, it may be the other way round – a conversation starter that hooks in an audience and from there, their flourishing way with words takes over. I believe art to be the finery with which you take your skills to a new height of beauty. Creativity in it’s varied forms becomes more subjective than objective. So, why don’t we explore the potentials of this word together and see where it takes us?

art is the finery with which you take your skills to a new height of beauty

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Avatars of Art

Art is not just paint on canvas or an expertly crafted blob of clay or metal. It is many things. It is your engaging way with words or your wizard skills at entertaining guests, and may be even flawlessly balancing work and home. Artists can hide in myriad forms and it takes another to identify them. For instance, can you see the beauty in the effortlessness with which a team member at work offers innovative solutions to tricky problem? Well, that is art and there is an artist hidden in you for being able to identify that! May be, there is a bit envy mixed in this particular case 🙂 , but you get what I am saying…right?

Understanding art in its boundless form makes the world seem like a totally different place.

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How Does an Artistic Outlook Really Help?

  • It actually is what thinking out of the box is really about.
  • An artistic perspective on things helps us see the glass half full, beauty even in squalor. Also, it affords us a glimpse of the yet-unseen aspects of things that are totally run-of-the-mill.
  • It unleashes our imagination, leading to innovations that make our life either simpler or better. As Albert Einstein very aptly said, “Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” He surely would know, right? 🙂
  • An artistic bend of outlook offers us unique ways to communicate our inner feelings. They offer a vent for thoughts that are too big to fit into our somewhat limited vocabulary.
  • And the best, it offers a handy escape from reality when a quick getaway is simply not possible. Sometimes, it even substitutes meditation for me.

Art is a catalyst amplifying potentials and expanding your horizons.

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Of Art, Preconceived Notions and More

Whenever we think of art, what our mind automatically visualizes are references to paintings, sculptures, music, dance, drama and may be even some unusual architectural structure. Is it because of the preconceived notions that we have been brought up on of what art means, broadly speaking? Are preconceived notions good for us in giving a reference point to our thoughts or do they create a somewhat rigid box for our imagination to work in? If we really open up our mind to the possibilities, I wonder what varied shades of creativity we can see! After all,

there is art even in the mundane things of life like balancing work and home or even taking selfies.

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So, it All Melts Down to…

Art not only brings out the amazing and beautiful in everything, it wipes your perspective squeaky clean for a brand new outlook on everyday things. With so much to explore – perhaps that’s how the world seems to a toddler taking baby steps exploring the world around. To me,

art is the ultimate capacity to conjure up tangible samples of what your boundless imagination can carve up.

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Whatever be the form, expert renditions and creations become an extension of you. It is always exciting to be introduced to other perspectives. How does creativity feature in your life? Tell me what according to you art is and what sort of an artist are you.

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