4 Ways to Change Your Life the Way You Want in 6 Months

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It’s absolutely possible to quickly change your life the way you want with well-calculated little shifts. And these 4 New York Times bestsellers have been life-changing for literally millions of people because rather than telling you what’s right for you, they show the science behind things and give us the tools so that we can decide for ourselves.

1. Motivation, productivity, and connecting better with people

I feel the best part of The New York Times bestseller book Limitless is the 10-Day Kwik Start Plan….it’s like test-driving, seeing quick results for yourself before deciding whether the time and energy would really be worth it.
Whether we are looking to learn how to better connect with people, or become more productive, or experience life better this book can touch our life in many ways with the what, why, and how all based in science and the wisdom of great thinkers.

“If your current mindset, motivation, and methods are limiting your ability to achieve your dreams, then Limitless is your owner’s manual…your learning and life will never be the same.”

– Dr. Mark Hyman, head of strategy and innovation at Cleveland Clinic

Flow or being in the zone technique

One of the best ones I like is his technique to get into the flow state…. you know when you enjoy what you are doing so much that you lose track of time… that kind of state. He gives a 5-step action plan which can exponentially improve our quality of work and how effectively we use our time.

Memory techniques to change your life

Another thing that I use in my life from this book are his memory techniques. They are very handy for remembering what you have learned and also for remembering people’s names.

Because let’s face it, we like those people better who make us feel valued and important and when someone remembers our name and may be even a little something about us the next time we meet them, it makes us feel like we matter and so we connect with them better.

2. Making better decisions

The Warren Buffett Way  shows how to become more confident the decisions we make in life. The mindset of this genius investor and philanthropist… his guiding ideas behind every decision he made can be applied to every area of our life.

For me, there were 3 key takeaways.

1) How are you wired

What excites your, what’s your style, and what are your values…being nonjudgmentally realistic about how you are wired and keeping that in mind for making choices in life.

2) Genius isn't a prerequisite

Quoting Warren Buffett, “it is just not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results.” We just need to keep taking the next well thought out step in the right direction, never being shy to ask for help if that’s the wiser thing to do.

3) Clear priorities in life

Being clear about our priorities but never letting our ideas get stuck in cement. And being clear about our priorities is one of those things that can change your life very quickly.

It brought so much clarity that I could confidently decide which things I wanted to spend my time on, which advice to listen to and when taking things personally was simply a waste of my energy. It literally changes how you experience life.


3. Mindset shifts to change your life

The reason that I chose the book Mindset as one of those which can change your life quickly is because it changed mine…it revolutionized my ideas about who I am and what I can do….it kind of makes you realize the truth in what they say – the only thing holding you back is you.

“The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it…is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives.”

– Dr. Carol Dweck

For more on this and the next super-effective book that promises and delivers quick results, watch the video above.

I hope you found this helpful.

how to change your life in 6 months with life lessons from 4 bestseller books
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