Boost Your Confidence – 3 Ways You Are Doing It Without Even Realizing

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Confidence – feeling capable and bold isn’t something that you just have or don’t have. But because it depends a lot on the way we think and the choices we make, it’s actually something that we can build and a life skill that we can consciously develop. So, in this post I will be showing you 3 things that you very likely are already doing that’s adding to your confidence, but I’ll also be sharing how these can be done better to boost your confidence.

Doing 3 everyday things better to boost your confidence

We are already doing some or most of the things that make us confident but when we realize what we are doing and how it’s adding to our confidence it becomes more powerful because we start noticing the result and become more intentional about doing them.

1. Helping someone

And the first one that all of us have done some time or other is helping someone out… may be a friend, someone at school, at work, or may be a complete stranger. And being able to solve even a little thing for someone makes us feel good. 

Neurobiologically, this is so because our brain releases dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin – the happiness trifecta, when we help someone. They are the same ones that make us feel proud after a good day’s work or when we get a compliment. And they influence what we like because they are like rewards for our brain. 

So when we help someone, we like it, and it boosts our value of our abilities and our self-worth. And this improved self-esteem helps us approach things more confidently.

Doing it better –

To do it better, get proactive…set goals. We can donate money or the things we don’t use anymore, or volunteer our time or knowledge on weekends.

Gaining something in return, helping ourselves by helping others won’t lessen the good we would be doing. In fact, if more people understood this, there would be so much more good done in this world.

2. Plan and prepare

Now, knowledge increases confidence because confidence means being sure in our ability to handle something and when we go well-prepared for say a presentation, we are more confident of being able to answer any question or clear any doubt. And we are already doing that in our daily life… because, well, no one likes to go unprepared if they have a choice.

Whether that’s enough or not is a different question because that’s where our ability to not take things personally comes into play.

We lose confidence when we worry ‘what will they think of me if I mess up’. And we are more confident in what we say or do when we stop worrying what others might say or feel about us.

Doing it better – 

  1. Plan and go prepared the best you can… even if it’s going to a gathering that’s making you anxious. Think what you can do there to make the experience be more enjoyable and focus on doing that rather than dwelling on all that could go wrong. Having a plan will make you more confident.
  2. Know and be comfortable with your strengths and weaknesses because the understanding that you have the choice and power to change, to learn, to upgrade whichever of these you want to will improve self-worth and boost your confidence. And when we stop comparing ourselves with others, we are able to see our capacity for growth and our qualities more clearly.

3. Setting goals

To know how this works and how we can do it better to boost confidence, watch the video up top.

boost your confidence,
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